Friday, September 28, 2007


What can I asy , she inspires me.....I look at my daughter and my boys and I just want to be a better person.... I want to make them proud of their mother...I want to teach them to help others....and to always appreciate what they have....I look at Jianna , and I am thankful, for having her in my life.....she teaches me so much....she inspires me....and because of her, I want to do more for other children in what I was thinking the other day, many of us came back from China with Extra Yuans (chinese money) that we will never what if we put ALL of our Yuans together and helped some BEAUTIFUL Children in desperate need of surgeries in China....There are so many little ones who need heart surgeries, cleft if you are interested in joining me .....please let me know.....

AND For those who have not adopted, but who would like to help....I would love to hear from you......Just think of what we can do....if we " just try"..........

Carmen Pagano

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