Tuesday, April 24, 2007

getting back to the swing of things

well its been 4 days since Jianna and I have come home, and Jianna is adapting to her new envirnment slowly but surely...yesterday she went to see her pediatrician Dr. Lee....and poor Jianna had to have 5 shots plus they had to take blood from her....My poor baby was NOT happy at all....I felt so bad for her, but I knew it needed to be done..as we were leaving the Doctor's office, I was so happy to see Grace, Elio and Mykala in the waiting room...I did not realize just how much I really missed everyone , until I saw them....it was soooo nice to see some of my WHFC buddies....Well Jianna Is sleeping well,last night was the first time she did not wake up at all....she went to bed at 10:00 and is still sleeping at 8:00.....she adores her brothers, and is warming up to her daddy....so far so good.....I find myself just looking at her, I just can't believe that this little Angel is ours...

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