Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm A Lucky Lady!!!!!!

Today I looked at my kids and thought to myself, what did I ever do in my life to get 3 of the most amzing children....oh yeah and a pretty good husband too : ) Today the boys were playing with Jianna and it was just so nice to hear them laughing and running around, it makes me very happy to see that Jianna has bonded with her brothers and they with her....It just confirms it, Jia was so meant for this family..I can't believe it, 3 months ago she was not here with us...She just feels like she has always been with us....I could not imagine life without her...The way she has taken to her new home, surroundings , family....I just find myself looking up to her....she has gone through so many changes in the past 3 months, and she is just such a trooper, she just goes with the flow, and she tries everything...and is such a happy ,sweet little girl....She adores her brothers, and LOVES her Daddy and when she looks at me , I just have to pinch myself, I still can't believe shes ours...I'm just soooo in Love with my family....and no I'm not PMS-ing those days are over for me, I'm just taking this time to smell the roses, and boy am I lucky.....

P.S. now Tomorrow, I might be singing a different tune : )


1 comment:

Polarity Postmortem said...

Carmen, doesn't Jianna seem like she has been with you forever?