I can't believe it, its been 2 years from the time we began our journey to our Daughter Lianna Rose Pagano....and from what we are told , we should be receiving a photo along with some information on our baby girl..Dante and I can't wait for the day when we can lay our eyes on our beautiful daughter....I have often thought of that day, and now to think that within the next 3 weeks our dreams of seeing our daughter will come true...I just feel so lucky, so greatful, words could never express how I feel ....Our boys are also so happy to see their sister, I am so proud of our son's, they are so amazing....when Dante and I were thinking of adopting, we always thought, that if our boys did not feel comfortable with us doing this, we would not, Adopting a child had to be something that the whole family wanted. Ours sons from the very begining wanted a sister just as much as we wanted a daughter.....I am so happy that our boys are such loving, and giving human beings....but I must say that I am not at all surprised by them, what can I say , they are just great kids!
So her we are 2 years later, what a wonderful year 2007 is going to be....we hope that you all enjoy following us in the next few months....1st , we will get info on our baby along with a photo and some medical information, than, let the games begin! we will have to get more paper work done, finish getting shots for the trip : ( getting all document together, pack for the trip, wait for our Visas, and TA- Travel approval from China, purchase tickets, buy things that our Angel will need....so much still to do. What a journey this has been, it has been such a long road.....but you know what this journey will make us appreciate our daughter even more....she is so worth everything we have gone through.....we Love you Lianna Rose....
I also want to thank all of our friends and family for always being there for us....I have the most amazing friends...you have kept me going these past years...sometimes when I felt that I could no longer go on, you have kept me on my feet..you have been my stength...Lianna is so blessed to have all of you in her life....Dante and I are so lucky to have you all....so again Thank you so very much....we love you , appreciate you and cherish you so very much.
So hang on eveeryone!!!!
we are in for the ride of our lives....
Thank you for sharing in our journey
with much Love
Carmen, Dante
and Michael and Steven Pagano
And letsnot forget The Diva " Lianna"
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