Monday, February 12, 2007

She's Beautiful!

Feb 7, 2007

Today would be the first day that we would lay our eyes on our child. Dante and I got the call that her file was in the Long Island office....Here we are 2 years later and today would be the day that we have waited so long for. We got in the car, and of course caught every red light ....but in 15 minutes or so we were ther....On the way to the office I just kept thinking of how our lives are going to change, and how happy we will be....this has been everything we have worked and waited for...we pulled up to the building and I could not get out of the car fast enough....We opened the door and there stood our Social Worker, and our Jianna's file was on her desk...Dante and I sat down as our Social worker removed all documents from the envelope...and then she handed us thephotos...there she was our daughter...and oh how beautiful she is....she's perfect....she's our baby....and we are in Love! her cheeks are so chubby, and she has the most sweetest eyes...and those lips I just want to kiss them....she's amazing, she's everything and more....I looked at Dante and said" thats our daughter" and he just smiled....he's a proud papa. They say that there are life changing moment, and ther are moment that change your life...well , this was one of those moments...I will never be the same...we are parents to 3 beautiful children...we have seen our Daughter ( that sure sounds good) for the first time, and I must say, she is an amazing sight...we are the luckiest people!

Carmen and Dante Pagano

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Feb 1, 2007 what a wonderful day!

We rec'd the call today at 10:15in the morning.....what an amazing day , the feeling is one that I can't describe.....its been 2 years since we began our journey to our daughter....and we just thought that his day would never come. but here we are today, and we have a daughter. okay for so long we thought that we would name here Lianna, but after hearing her chinese name, we just all knew we had to keep it. So here is our Angels information
Chinese name Zheng, Jia
Soon to be Jia Rose Pagano or Jianna not sure yet
Dob: 7-24-05
a little over 1 yrs of age
province: guangxi
Orphanage: Fang Cheng Gang

We hope to get her file along with pictures by tuesday....
Thank you all so much
for just always being there